Monday, June 15, 2009


Today started with a very refreshing rain that ended just in time for the construction work to begin. Construction consisted of mixing huge piles of cement, sand and rock, shoveling the mixture into a wheelbarrel and rolling it over a wooden plank to pour for the floor. Thanks to Jeff steadying the wheelbarrels, no loads were accidently dumped. The people here work so hard and really look out for each other, stepping in whenever it looks like someone needs a break. They work with a joy unlike anything I have ever seen. We learned that when the Masai are very happy they will jump up over and over.
Ann (also known as IAN here) and Vicki taught the children in VBS. They taught about God's love and committment. The children experienced balloons for the first time and were completly amazed. The children learned a few songs: This Little Light of Mine, I'm in the Lord's Army, and Jesus Loves Me.
Lexy (also known as Mama Yoyo and X) and Mallary (also known Mary and ndito) were taught how to make authentic Tanzania food. Mallary cut cabbage and graded tomatos and Lexy cried over some onions.
Colleen went with sister Winnie (Morogoro nurse) on house visits to see HIV and TB patients. We are reminded of how hopeless Winnie can feel having patients with such a chronic disease as HIV. Pray that she can continue to be encouraged in a job that can be very sad.
Jeremy, John, Jeff, Orgil and Kevin (Babo- grandpa) worked very hard along with the Tanzanias. What an incredible sight to see everyone work so hard together to accomplish such a huge task. We still have a lot to go. Pray for restful sleep tonight and tons of energy tomorrow.
Debbie (Dina) , our fearless leader, had here hands in a little of everything... literally, she picked up the gravel with her hands instead of shoveling because it was easier that way.
Lexy and Mallary got to experience first hand the high fasion Tanzania hairstyle. Mallary got one called Kilimanjaro- named after the point that it comes to on the top of your head. Lexy got one fasioned after Snoop Dog. :)
We saw a chicken swallow a snake whole and then were offered the chicken to eat. We then replied with perhaps another chicken- we then ate chicken for dinner. We later learn the Masai trick of making a chicken fall asleep. We have learned that the children here love pee-pee............... which means candy and are so excited when we give them some.
We are having the best time here and can't wait to to share all the stories. Continue to pray for the Muslim population all around us here, especially Dorothy who is really searching for truth right now. We love you all very much.

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