Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Five words, Mikumi National Park!
Today we were able to take a day for ourselves and went to Mikumi wildlife reserve. It was quite incredible. We saw giraffes, zebras, a lion, elephants and so much more. All of which are going to make great throw rugs in my living room. And let me tell you, wildebeest taste great!! I don't know how many hours we spent chit chatting over the camp fire cooking all the large game we shot, RIGHT OUT OF THE BUS! At one point Ann yelled out "Hey ya'll, watch this!" Then she jumped out of the bus and wrestled a baboon! What stories, what stories. We even took turns racing giraffes and ostriches. Ostriches may look stupid but oh what drum sticks! Throw a little bar-b-q sauce on that and you got yourself a meal baby!
After we left Mikumi we swung by a Masai village. We were introduced to them by Charles, a local Masai, who has converted to Christianity and is studying at the location we are working. He with a couple others are working on converting the village he came from. They were such nice people. They sang us songs and showed us their chapel. However to get there we took the bus as far off the main road as the driver wanted to go and then had to get out and hike the rest of the way. It was somewhere around a three mile walk and I lead the way. There were dangers at every turn. Baboons, lions, leopards and bush babies all posed a threat but I would have none of it! I fought them all off with my bare hands and was able to keep everyone alive in the process. On the way back to the bus, I had to carry everyone on my shoulders.
When I pushed the bus out of the ditch, we were on our way home. I decided to get out and run over the mountain instead of drive around. I beat everyone home. Did I mention how good looking I am?
Well I can't believe the trip is almost over. Only one more work day then we pack our bags and start our trip home. Mom, leave the front door open cuz I'll be bring'n home the ivory! Packed in a rhino horn, packed in a mountain gorilla, packed in a croc I'm going to have made into some boots, packed into something else . . . I'll think of it later. I'm having some rhino meat shipped home. RHINO RIBS FOR EVERYBODY!!!


  1. We'll have PETA representatives greeting ya'll at Will Rodgers when you arrive back home!

  2. I totally would have known that was posted by Orgel, even if he hadn't put his name in the title of the post! Praying for you guys!
